Thursday, September 22, 2011

Writing about Animals

Blogging during the school year is harder than I expected! I have done a great job of documenting students' work and saving pictures in iPhoto, but I can't ever remember to post them on here.

I love creating enrichment projects for first grade, just little things that they can work on in their free time, and this year's group is just doing an awesome job with these projects! One activity I've given them is to imagine a day in the life of an animal. I have a box of animal names written on slips of paper, and they have to reach in and select an animal. I wasn't sure how well they would do at this, since they have to think from the perspective of an animal and then write about it--two things that are hard for first grade--but they are really blowing me away with their responses! Here are some of their stories:
"Slizzer"... how cute is that?!

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