Thursday, August 11, 2011

Bulletin Board Makeover

I went to the movies last night, and as the previews were rolling I suddenly had a brilliant idea for my bulletin board. Why do those flashes of insight happen at the weirdest times? Luckily I remembered my idea this morning, and after a few hours of selecting the perfect font, cutting, laminating, and stapling, this masterpiece was born:
Our theme for the year is "putting our creed into our deed." I love this theme, mostly because I've spent the past few weeks figuring out my own creed for the year. (I should get extra points; I was doing this before I even knew what our theme was!) My personal creed comes from Colossians 3:23, which says, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not human masters." I shared this verse with the students last year, and I'm looking forward to writing a new chapel talk tying this verse into the theme.

My bulletin board is a giant word web. I used yarn to link the words "creed" and "deed" with words that would help make the theme easier for the kids to understand. Here are a couple of close-ups so you can see what the small words say:
I tried to make the word "creed" meaningful by linking it to concepts that our students understand, such as best effort, the Golden Rule, our school's honor code, and glorifying God.

For the word "deed," I created a web of activities, like reading, math, and recess, that the students do every day.

It took quite a while to staple all that yarn to the board... I'm considering spending the day tomorrow luring people into my room so I can show off my hard work!

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