Wednesday, August 10, 2011

New Year, New Blog!

In-service is upon us, which means we are just days away from the start of a new school year. That means new crayons (I really do love them), new faces, and a new blog! I am not new to blogging; however, I am brand new to blogging about my classroom. My goal this year is to do a better job of documenting my lesson plans--the good, the bad, and the ugly--and to share my ideas with other educators. I've become pretty good at borrowing lessons from others, so I figure it's about time I start giving back.

I saw this picture in my friend's classroom (proudly displayed on the wall, where it clearly belongs). It is just such a perfect example of why I love my job so much.
 Pickles wearing skirts! You can't make this stuff up!

On that note, I have a ton of new ideas that I want to try this year, and I can't wait to share them here on my blog. Some small goals that I'm setting for myself include incorporating QR codes into a project or two; finding a new way to organize the work that students produce during Round Robin small groups; and implementing a new "Word of the Week" program with the first graders. I'm hoping that typing them here will help keep me accountable.

Happy new school year, fellow educators!

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